Mid-2019 Interior Decor Trends for Retail Industry

It’s going to be almost the mid of 2019, and things are changing rapidly. In this regard, the innovation and novelty of interior designing have no exception.  It might not be a new thing for homeowners who already look for new décor elements to be integrated into your interior style.

But, such interior décor trends are significantly an innovative thing for retailers because the concept of using interior elements in shopping malls and store is relatively new. The patterns on accommodating new interior features are relatively higher in modern countries including UAE and the Gulf States.

So, if you are the one who doesn’t know much about changing the environment of the décor and design things, be ready to acquire useful tips from the article.

Top Trends in Interior Design for Improved Retailing 2019

Nevertheless, it is not easy to comply with emerging concepts and elements in décor when it comes to deploying it within highly dynamic industries, including the retail. For this reason, many business owners and vendors look for experienced services of retail interior design companies in Dubai to ensure elegance along with quality work.

However, before doing so, it is essential to have awareness for the latest trends and techniques going to be used during the past few months of 2019.


Retail Design


This is something fascinating for retailers who consider assimilating modern interior styles. It is because wooden stands are already in fashion, but the latest modification of copse standee in the shape of the palm is getting higher popularity.

You may have noticed that many famous brands are using palm motifs and other such elements in their storefronts to allure the customers. Yes, this is going to get more importance in the coming days!


Many interior designers are looking to the skies for décor inspirations. And they got something really amazing as now; retail interior portrays galaxies and starts on the walls of the stores.

Interestingly, celestial motifs are liked by retailers. This is something highly exciting for the vendors as well as for the customers who like to visit the stores with well-curated interior décor.

In this way, interior decoration has become more fashion-oriented


Fringing is more related to old vintage and retro designs of interior layouts. So, history is repeating itself when it comes to embellished layouts. The winter or autumn styles are considered more suitable for trendy apparel stores and clothing boutiques.

So, don’t look back but consider the retro interior elements as the trends of the future.  However, the business owners are required to hire retail interior design companies in Dubai to get fringing décor elements embedded into their existing or new designs.

Final thought

Summing up, a cursory review of the past months interior styles reveals that things do not change but revolve in a cycle. It is evident from the fact that old interior elements are getting popular again in 2019.

So, don’t forget to consider the useless things you already have saved in your storeroom or inventory room for recycling when it comes to retail décor!

Top Branding Tips For Your Halal Cosmetics Startup

Halal cosmetic brands are taking the Emirati region by storm! According to specific numbers, halal cosmetics market for the UAE specifically is expected to grow to about $45 billion by the year 2020.

With so many brands in the market, occupying the same niche and hoping to make it to the top in the halal cosmetics industry,   it is important for the best brands to develop a sound branding strategy in order to promote their name in the industry.

The right branding can contribute great deal in converting a striving brand to one of the few top ones! Even the best brands may fail to develop the right branding for their business — all the more reason to opt for branding companies in the Dubai to help out with the right expertise. The article below highlights essential tips to help you with the best branding for your company.

cosmetics branding

Branding Tips For Your Cosmetics Line

Not only is it essential to keep track of your customers, but other audiences require attention too. In addition, it's essential to have your marketing and branding strategies well aligned for a more effective business reach. An effective brand strategy can do wonders for your blossoming startup. Read on to know more:

Know Your Influencers

The message that's presented by your cosmetic brand can be expressed in multiple ways. Not only the logo, the colors used for packaging, the packaging itself, the graphics being used- they set the tone for your brand voice.

However, over a period of time, factors influencing your brand may change as the influencing factors change. It's important however, to keep in check the values your brand represents.

Pay Attention To The Target Audience

 It's not just the people you're creating the product line for. When considering your target audience; it's easy to ignore individuals who may have other interests in your brand. These could be:

  • People interested in working for you   
  • People who are impressed by your values and business skills
  • Social media influencers who are vital for creating a customer base online.

The different types of audience groups may not be prominent initially; however, with the growth of the startup, it is important to be open-minded about the emerging audience groups and their requirements.

Keep Marketing Aligned With Brand Strategy

When starting new, the business is still small so it’s possible to develop both a branding strategy and the marketing strategy in parallel. Since smaller businesses have a more dedicated workforce that's agile and knows about the basics of the business.

Social media can be used not only as a marketing channel but also to gather information about your brand's perception in the eyes of the customers. Content marketing, marketing material and modes of marketing are essential in getting the right message across to the audience.

Not only that, but marketing channels can also be used to explain better and change the perception of the way customers perceive your cosmetics brand.

Perform Regular Brand Audit With The Best Branding Companies

A brand audit is an internal process that tracks how well consistent the brand is. It includes monitoring how well the brand is able to convey its message, how the business strategies are working for the brand, and how the customers are taking in the message and the products.

Take Away

Branding may sound simple; however, it's essential to hire professionals to do the job for you. Opt for branding companies in Dubai and determine how well your brand may be doing. The best companies also offer branding services that your startup may be able to use and benefit from!

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Essential Salon Branding Strategies for Surefire Success

  • Branding strategies for higher recognition in Salon business
  • Salon branding strategies for higher business recognition
  • Essential branding steps for surefire success in salon business

Utter the word brand and consider the first thought comes in your mind – the brand is a product or service that is well recognized by the customers. However, this is much more than what you think.

Brands are the aggregation of expectations and associated relationships based on stories and memories. All this plays a significant role in driving customers’ decisions for purchase preferences. Therefore, the primary objective of branding is not to build a brand but to nurture a positive impression among the people.

Practically speaking, branding strategies design for products is relatively more comfortable because people can get instant results, but it is challenging to establish incredible services brands. Specifically, the branding plans for salon and spa take a lot of courage, effort, resources, and patience for success.


However, you can understand essential strategies to bring surefire success in your salon brand after reading the article.

Why Is Branding Crucial For Business Success In The Salon Business?

Branding for spa and salon is easy if you have an elevator speech ready when you are suddenly asked to describe your salon business. If you are unable to deliver it – surely you need to invest time in building comprehensive branding strategies. Consider the scenario for better understanding:

Suppose that you are running a salon business in UAE because the scope of this business is exceptionally high in the Middle East and the Gulf States. You have done everything to promote your business including flyer distribution, signage marketing, email sales advertisement, and other such efforts. Still, you are unable to turn your random customers into loyal clients. Do you know the reason why? Because you could not imprint the value or brand of your services on the minds of people!

Many businesses like you might face the same issues. But a few dynamic salon owners acquire the services of branding companies in Dubai from the very start to get consultancy as well as branding design and implementation.

It is because establishing a business might be hard but retaining it for long term benefits is harder to ensure. Therefore, branding should be done from the start to the maturity of the business.

Essential Salon Branding Strategies

Before getting through essential branding strategies for the salon’s success, let’s consider a question. Every individual running a business should ask himself the same question for precise identification of branding objectives.  What makes your salon different or unique from others?

The answer to the above question will surely help you set your vision for defining the strategy of business marketing for long term success.  A few strategies crucial for salon business success are as given:

Comprehend Needs And Requirements Of Your Customers

No plan for business marketing can work well without having an in-depth understanding of customers’ aspirations. It is therefore vital to pay attention to understanding their requirements. For this, you can survey the locality or ask the customers to provide feedback.

Don’t forget to use this feedback for bringing positive changes in your products and services.

Figure Out Market Competition Through Brand Positioning

It is rightly said that get in touch with your friends and remain aware of the enemies. However, in the corporate sector, you should keep an eye on your competitors. This can be done by analyzing your brand positioning in the marketplace.

If you are unable to comprehend the position of your brand in the market, it is better to opt for branding companies in Dubai to get through the process successfully.

Deploy Consistent And Time Tested Marketing Tactic

No branding plan can be successful without implementing rigorous marketing tactics. It is not all about advertising but creating a positive impression among the people through different channels. For this, businesses show active support for charity events, corporate gatherings and other meet-ups to show active participation.

Don’t forget to keep your marketing experts and brand specialists on the same page of awareness and trust for augmented synchronization of strategy deployment.

Final Thought

Summing up, long term sustainability in business cannot be attained without comprehensive branding. It is therefore important to start devising suitable strategies for building big brands.

Easy Tips To Brand Your Office Waiting Room

Whether it’s a clinic or a spa, a gym or a corporate workspace, Waiting rooms or reception areas remain a universal feature of all organizations.  Waiting rooms hold a lot of importance all over the world mainly because of the services they offer, i.e. waiting in comfort!

If you're a business operating in UAE, you've probably looked at all the mainstream ways to send your brand name and message to your customers. You've held opening, closing and holiday events, and you've sent out calendars and corporate stationery to your clients and prospective clients to keep them informed about your activities

But have you ever thought of branding your waiting area to shout out about your company in the most subtle way possible? If not, hire branding companies in Dubai and watch as they use the power of interior and combine it with the essence of your brand to create an aesthetic miracle!

office waiting room branding

Here are a few ways to use interior to brand your office waiting room:

Your Name

Most people are familiar with the name of your company which is why that should be the first thing you use when you plan on branding your waiting room. The location can be different. However, most common places used by companies include; behind reception desks, on the main door, and on a wall that extends throughout the waiting room (if any).

Brand Colors

Since it's the waiting area, your customers will be seated here.  You will probably invest in some elegant or funky armchairs. Opt for colors that are part of your brand's logo or website. And mix and match with solid colors to attain an aesthetically relaxing feel.

When using interior to brand an organization’s space, it is important to not go overboard with all the décor. Less is more when it comes to interior using interior décor for branding!

Company Representative Items

Depending upon the type of brand you are, opt for one or two items that attract your waiting customers and allow them time to engage themselves. For example, a brand that’s all about indoor sports can opt for a foosball table in the waiting room or mini golf corner.

An organization that’s strictly business should opt for a polished and pristine interior. Using taglines from your websites and company campaigns and slogans, frame the quotations to let your waiting clients know what you’re all about while they wait in the lobby.

Use Existing Features

If your office floors are cemented no need to renovate the whole place. Cover it up with carpeting or work with it to create a unique looking space.Not only does working with existing features saves money but it allows experts to create a unique looking space for the company in question.

Use walls to display artwork by local or well-known artists, or in case of small dark space, opt for a reading nook that accommodates magazines, catalogs, your company's leaflets, and other marketing items.

Take Away!

When you’re branding living spaces, it’s with the notion to put your company out there which is why the material you choose needs to be well aligned with your company’s ideas and perspectives.

If you’ve been thinking about renovating your office waiting room, opt for branding companies in Dubai and watch your waiting area, screaming your company’s name, in the most subtle visually pleasing way possible!

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3 Awesome Tips For Your Toy Store Interior Design

Did you know the best retail stores are visually interesting, engaging and attention grabbing? The store design should be inviting – it should be such that a person passing nearby your store couldn’t stop peeping inside. And the ambience of the store should keep him coming back.

What will be more appropriate than using toys or toy themes in your interior design? Because children attract the most on toys, psychologists say. The earliest toy was a doll, invented to pacify angry kids.

There is no doubt about how important it is to design your retail store to beat the market competition. According to Arabian Business Report, Dubai is the second most important retail market globally. National as well as international retailer chains are operational in the country, making the competition harder for the companies.

toy store interior design

However, always remember your competition can be tough but not unbeatable. One of the best strategies is to hire a professional retail interior design companies in Dubai to design a jaw-dropping retail store for you. Read on to know some of the toy store interior design tips.

Impressive Toy Store Interior Design Tips

Create a retail experience where not only children but also their parents and guardians feel immersed in your toys and the shop. Incorporate various technologies to bring life to your interior design. There can be touchscreen zones to find latest toys and screens displaying toy ads. Here are some interesting interior tips you can follow:

Floor Plan

The right floor plan helps to manage the flow of the store, your customers and it also determines the consumer engagement. This simply means if your floor plan is well designed, chances are you will have more engagement and traffic.

Straight, racetrack or loop, free flow, geometric, and angular are some main types of floor plans. Choose the best suited floor plan for your toy store interior design. You need a more creative and more open area to entice young children and their parents, so go for a free flow floor plan. Other plans will limit your creativity which is a risk for you.

The free flow floor plan will enable you to display, settle and adjust your products and fixtures at your will. However, this doesn’t mean to make the retail store messy, complicated or disorganized. It just means you should try out something different to attract children.

Color Scheme

When it comes to choosing the color scheme of your toy retail store, keep your consumer psychology in mind – children, teenagers and sometimes, their parents too like bright, attractive and playful things. Glittery colors can also work for your store. However, don’t overdo the color job.

Use three basic colors in 60:30:10 ratios. Your basic color should be 60 percent, the secondary color should be 30 and your accent color should not be more than 10 percent. If you want to use two colors, use the 50:50 ratio.

Decorate with Toys

What sets you apart from other retail stores is your product. You are a toy seller and you have the freedom to create any story out of your toys. You can either take a toy story theme or create a new theme (based on your toy types).

For instance, you can create a fantasy world of wonder where lots and lots of toy heroes are playing with their dragons, dinosaurs and mermaids. You can also make a fairy garden theme to display the story of the fairy world to your consumers and so on.

Moreover, if you need to use decorations, order fairy lights, magic wands and butterflies because such things attract children.

Final Word

When creating a toy world for Emirati children, don’t forget to keep in mind that your shop should appeal to children, teenagers and their parents. Make sure your toy store interior design should give the feeling of a real play/ joy land once a consumer walks in.

For thorough details and excellent results, opt for the services of retail interior design companies in Dubai because they are the ones who can design stores to make people purchase your toys and keep coming back.

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